1. Name, age, where are you from
Khaled / 20 / Egypt
2. Please tell us something interesting about yourself.
am from egypt and am 20 years old will be 21 in next month
and i love to have new friends
3.The guild relies on information posted on our forums are you the type of person to seek out helpful information and share it with others?
Ya sure if i can help
4. Do you know anyone in the guild? Who and how do you know them?
Character Name Class Race : HolyNub Goblin Priest
Armory Link:
1. Character Specs:
Off: Shadow
2. What is your rotation for single target?
Power Word: Shield - Renew - Penance - Greater Heal - ( doing Flash Heal if the target is low hp )
3. Are you able to play your offspec as well as your main spec? Does your gear also support this?
Sure - but dont have good gear for Os
4. Are you making a X-Realm transfer?
5. What is your reputation with Therazane?
6. Do you play actively outside of raiding?
i do but this days i cant be active alot becoz of exams but will be active in raids time
1. Which previous guilds have you been in. If you are in one now why do you wish to leave?
Epic Fusion - Just want to Do more Raids and have new Friends
2. What do you expect from us as a guild?
New Friends And New raids and some fun and some items for sure
3. Why do you want to join this guild?
i Heard its good guild and i heard its fun guild
1. Do you have enough time to prepare adequately for raiding?
2. If your application is accepted. What kind of raider can we expect you to be? Give a brief description of your attitude towards raiding in both progression and farm content.
i will be rdy @ the raid time with my food and flask and will try my best to help in raids and will watch video for tacitis before i join any raid
3.What is your raiding experience Pre-BC? In BC? WoTLK? and current content? Please state your leadership/role/responsibility
Never Raided Pre-Bc
And havenot raid in Bc
In WoTLK i cleared Toc 10 /25 And Cleared Some 8 Bosses in Icc 10 then i quit for while
In Cata I cleared 2/4 In Bwl And Bh
4. What do you feel has been your most challenging encounter and why?
Prob with scared
beocz i almost die
5. Please indicate with % your chances of raiding on the following days: (We raid evenings 19:30 - 22:30 game time)
- Wednesdays 100%
- Thursdays 100%
- Sundays 50 %
- Mondays (if necessary) 100%
6. Please post a screenshot of your UI as stated in the above post.
7. Do you have a stable internet connection?
Yes i do
Is there anything else you wish to add?