- A. About You -
1. My name is James Ioannou. I am 17, and a student currently studying in sixth form (college).
2. Although i love to game, I also visit the gym regularly (at least 4 times a week) as I love lifting weights and keeping fit. I, like many of you probably like to 'pig out' while i raid and play Wow especially, and therefore it is necessary for me to maintain a respectable body by putting in some hard hours doing exercise every week - that, and you usually get the attention of many fine girls when you whip off your top in the summer
3. Absolutely. Sharing is key.
4. Bettsie/Lin/Ugliwun, raided with her for a while - she'll be able to tell you some things about me if you're interested, and if she remembers, since it has been quite a while since we've raided together!
- B. About Your Toon -
Please state your:
Character Name, Class and Race: Plany, Druid, Tauren.
Armory Link:
*Please note: Use the CODE tool for URLs*
If there is anything that isn't immidiately apparent on your link can you please state why.
I recently enchanted a few pieces of my gear, as i have only just got the pieces in the last few days, so maybe the armory will need time to update that. As for my chest, i have not correctly enchanted it yet as i am upgrading it to a leather one shortly for the 5% mana buff.
1. Character Specs:
Main: Restoration
Off: Feral
2. What is your rotation for single target?
In terms of healing a tank, keep lifebloom (3 stacks) on the tank - refresh with either nourish or healing touch, or regrowth if needed - add rejuv if damage is increased, and use swiftmend when a quick heal is needed. Obviously when aoe healing wildgrowth may overlap onto the tank, and so that may become part of the rotation, especially when healing 5 man heroics or 10 mans when aoe damage is heavy.
3. Are you able to play your offspec as well as your main spec? Does your gear also support this?
Yes I am - however, the offspec gear is not as good as my main spec.
4. Are you making a X-Realm transfer?
5. What is your reputation with Therazane?
Currently only friendly - this is a newly dinged character... Reputation will be sorted out ASAP!
6. Do you play actively outside of raiding?
Not enormously, however, I like to pvp on my warrior (Planyx -ragnaros)
- C. About Guild -
1. Which previous guilds have you been in. If you are in one now why do you wish to leave? Too many guilds to name, but a few of them on dragonmaw (I raided on my warrior on dragonmaw and ragnaros) which you may know are;
fused has fans - left, went inactive for awhile
sleeping disorder
entropy - left this to join random afks/quick quarrel
random afks/quick quarrel/bisham priory/familiar with drama
2. What do you expect from us as a guild?
I expect to be used where required. If I am not being picked for raids then there is simply no point in my being in the guild - this is basic logic. I enjoy a guild where i can make friends and form bonds, in which i can express myself as both a raider and a person, to further myself in WoW.
3. Why do you want to join this guild?
There are many reasons why i want to join this guild. The main reason is that i desperately want to get involved in 25 man raiding again. I havn't taken part in a 25 man raiding guild for at least 3 months, and i'm so wow-horny it's unbelievable. Don't get me wrong, i've been attending 10 man raids here and there on my warrior, but it doesnt not compare to the thrill i used to get from 25 mans, especially during a time of progression (you guys are progressing on heroics, if not mistaken). I want to join Schizophrenic, as i hope i can learn from the guild, just as much as i can help the guild and teach them from what i have learned in the past - without being an elitist faggot of course
- D. About Raiding -
1. Do you have enough time to prepare adequately for raiding?
2. If your application is accepted. What kind of raider can we expect you to be? Give a brief description of your attitude towards raiding in both progression and farm content.
If accepted, you will find a happy yet focused raider inside me. I for one actually love progression, and each wipe is like a layer of an onion peeling back, to which we will eventually reach the center, and thus eventually kill the boss - and it will be worth it. In terms of farm content, although it is not as important as progression it is still a part of progression - gearing up new players, practicing new rotations and glyphs and even reforges and whatnot, so they can be taken as a almost a slight "break" to the mainstream hardcore raiding but a break that has its benefits.
3. What is your raiding experience Pre-BC? In BC? WoTLK? and current content? Please state your leadership/role/responsibility
Unfortunately i did not recieve any raiding experience pre-bc or during the BC.
My wotlk experience is as follows; (keep in mind all of this experience is on my other character, Planyx - ragnaros)
Naxx: Everything cleared 10/25 man
Ulduar: Everything cleared 10 man including algalon, most 25 man bosses cleared. 10 man drake achieved
Toc: Everything cleared 10/25 man normal modes, heroic modes everything cleared 10 man, 4/5 heroics cleared in 25 man.
ICC: Everything cleared 10/25 man normal, heroic modes everything cleared 10 man, 25 man everything cleared and on farm except for heroic lich king.
Current raiding experience:
BOT: 6/6, heroic halfus experience
BWD: 5/5
Throne: 2/2
4. What do you feel has been your most challenging encounter and why?
Either Algalon or Lich King 25 man heroic. Algalon simply because he hit so damn hard on our tank and we used to wipe for ages due to the enrage timer and messing up the black holes. Lich King 25 heroic because of the defiles, room (add phase) and the insanity of the encounter.
5. Please indicate with % your chances of raiding on the following days: (We raid evenings 19:30 - 22:30 game time)
- Wednesdays - 90%
- Thursdays - 70%
- Sundays - 90%
- Mondays (if necessary) - 50%
6. Please post a screenshot of your UI as stated in the above post.
- other addons such as DBM and omen/recount are otherwise hidden until raid
7. Do you have a stable internet connection?
- E. Extras -
I know my current gear (and the reputation enchants) are slacking, but you have to realize that it is the PLAYER that you are recruiting and not the gear. I, personally believe, that i am a very respectable player, i won't stand in fire and i have common sense - which most encounters rely on. When reviewing this application, please take into consideration my past experience and skill, and not just base it off my armory link - Thank you very much.